
Hi! I’m Jaitra Dixit. You can call me JD. My journey in design started during my undergrad. I was part of a college committee and used to make graphic design content for them. That’s when I realized the importance of good design. The idea of communicating something just using design was very interesting to me. I did my undergrad in Computer Engineering, where I developed my coding skills by making apps and websites. I understood that along with coding, there are other important aspects to software like the way information is presented to the user and the way the app facilitates interactions. The process of navigating an app and completing tasks should be intuitive for users. During the third year of my undergrad, I was introduced to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and immediately realized that this was the perfect combination of design and technology, and it was exactly what I wanted to do. That brought me to Bentley University where I did a Masters in Human Factors in Information Design.

When I’m not working on projects, I like to go on hikes, runs, click photos, watch sunrises, and mostly anything else that’s outdoorsy. I also like watching F1 (Ferrari fan so my season is not going great, unfortunately), playing games on my PS5, and cooking, among other things. I’m currently based in Boston, but originally from Mumbai, India.

Feel free to contact me to get in touch.